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Jan Danker back

R4D-Ger-10 | Germany | Brügge Not yet defined

dairy cows

4 250 000
liters /year

Additional Information

From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?

Young farmer, Very efficient farm, Cost regression by size, modern equipment for efficient all year-indoors milk production, very high animal health

Technical issues involved on this farm

Very efficient farm, Cost regression by size, modern equipment for efficient all year-indoors milk production, very high animal health

Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems

Increased focus on animal health . Part of the concept is highly motivated, good paid regional employees. Regressions of indirect energy input by increased herd size of high yielding cows, this is a strong divisor for calculation of carbon footprint.

Farm description sheet

view farm description PDF