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Kirsten Wosnitza und Gerd-Matthias Albertsen back

R4D-Ger-06 | Germany | Löwenstedt Not yet defined

dairy cows

1 310 000
liters /year

Additional Information

From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?

Very efficient farm, very healthy animals, very high longevity of cows. Cost efficient feeding: quality grazing in combination with autumn block-calving. Using constantly stocked short grass grazing 5 cm growing high, this allows for extremely high forage quality and a reduced workload, so the couple of Kirsten and Gerd can manage the farm independently fro external workers and on top find the time to engage them in farmers unions and put a lot of energy in their blog making the urban society understand, what real farming is challenged with and show their farms animal welfare, producing milk with healthy and happy cows

Technical issues involved on this farm

photovoltaic, maximizing of grazing in combination with high yielding cows. Healthy cows, short grass grazing, very well organized workload, combination of dairy farm and energy production

Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems

High animal welfare: Grazing in combination innovative improved old cubical barn. Feeding the cows in open troughs. Grazing saves energy and reduces NH4-emissions. Work-saving grassland management, very healthy , high yielding and long living cows. Low restocking rate, a very low-product carbon footprint is expected

Farm description sheet

view farm description PDF