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R4D-Ger-04 | Germany | Kappeln Animal Well-Being/Welfare Ecological and Environmental Footprint/Mitigation of Climate Change/Inputs Efficiency

dairy cows

1 860 000
liters /year

Additional Information

From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?

A very divers mixed farm, generating income in various ways, optimised nutrient flows by co-operation with an all-arable farm as neighbor. Wide spectra of forage crops, permanent grassland, high-cut silage maize, grass and grass-clover leys in an expanded crop rotation. Reintroduction of red and white clover to save mineral Nitrogen fertilizers and to improve protein self-sufficency. Slurry, manure and rejected feed stuff is used for energy production in a biogas plant of adequate size.

Technical issues involved on this farm

photovoltaic, combination of dairy farm and biogas production based on waste material, self-vending machines for 24/7 selling of farm products

Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems

reintroducing of day time grazing to increase animal welfare and to promote direct selling of milk, no seasonal calving planned because of constant need for fresh milk. Offer to society to increase biodiversity together by sharing costs through sponsorships

Farm description sheet

view farm description PDF