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Lindhof (Sabine Mues/ Keanu Heuck) back

R4D-Ger-02 | Germany | Noer Not yet defined

dairy cows

760 000
liters /year

Additional Information

From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?

Extreme low product carbon-footprint for milk production through maximization of grazing, mixed farming, organic farming, low external inputs, very high animal welfare, high productive lifespan of cows, high biodiversity.

Technical issues involved on this farm

maximizing of grazing in a perfect organized rotational grazing system, loose-housing of cows on straw without cubicles

Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems

High animal welfare: Grazing in combination with new build "animal welfare = cow comfort barn" as loose-housing on straw without cubicles, organic- low dependency on external inputs, extremely low product-carbon footprint for milk, mixed farming all manure is used in organic cash crop production, forage production is based on symbiotic N2-fixation by clovers

Farm description sheet

view farm description PDF