R4D-Sp-3 | Spain | Valle de Carranza - Karrantza HaranaAnimal Well-Being/WelfareDairy Cattle ManagementInformation Sources, Knowledge, TrainingLabour ConditionsSocial Issues: Build Society Friendly System
65 dairy cows
700 000 liters /year
Additional Information
From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?
Because it is a newly installed farm of young farmers, with all the challenges to solve. Because of their training and professional capacity.
Technical issues involved on this farm
Installation with one milking robot, installed in 2020, with expansion in 2022 to a second one. Unifeed feeding system. Outsourced heifer rebreeding. Collection of water from the roof for cleaning purposes
Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems
Modern facilities focused on animal welfare. AWIN Welfare Quality Certification. Euskal Esnea milk quality accreditation. No grazing systems are used.