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R4D-FR-09 | France | Bretagne Business Management: Improve Stratetic Skills and Build Robust Business Models Dairy Cattle Management Ecological and Environmental Footprint/Mitigation of Climate Change/Inputs Efficiency Social Issues: Build Society Friendly System

dairy cows

343 000
liters /year

Additional Information

From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?

Grass based farm (>60% of grazed grass in the ration). Reflection on climate change with implantation of hedges and diversification (cider and apple juice on direct sale)

Technical issues involved on this farm

Grazing management. Hedges implantation

Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems

Organic system. High level of environmental resilience : hedges, grassland. Animal welfare : dairy cows indoor only 2-3 months per year. Problematic on valorisation of bull calves


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