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Christian Cordes back

R4D-Ger-03 | Germany | Wanderup Not yet defined

dairy cows

1 860 000
liters /year

Additional Information

From your point of view, why this farm is interesting to be followed in R4D ?

Very efficient farm, Cost efficient feeding: quality grazing in combination with autumn block-calving, reintroduction of sugar beets as energy rich forage to reduce concentrate feeding, recycling of animal manure in an efficient biogas-power plant. Certified animal welfare milk production achieving higher milk prices, all heifer calves are raised by nurse-cows

Technical issues involved on this farm

photovoltaic, maximizing of grazing in combination with high yielding cows. Combination of dairy farm and biogas production

Environment, animal welfare and society friendly production systems

High animal welfare: Grazing in combination with improved comfort cubical barn. Grazing saves energy and reduces NH4-emissions, all heifer calves are raised by nurse-cows, feeding of sugar-beets reduces concentrate-import and allows for extended crop-rotations

Farm description sheet

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